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Two Weeks Left to Apply for PARK(ing) Day Plus+ Permits!

Only two weeks left to reserve your space for PARK(ing) Day Plus+!

PARK(ing) Day Plus+ Permit applications and Small Sparks Grant applications are due by Friday, August 5, for the event on Friday and Saturday, September 16 and 17.

You’ll want to get started now, because:

  • To apply, you need to know which parking spaces you plan to use and you have to submit details of your plan, including a sketch.
  • If you want to apply for a Small Sparks grant, the application process can take up 48 hours once you register before you can apply.

Now is the time to gather your team of friends, neighbors and colleagues to reimagine your street! A temporary park?  A street safety improvement? What would a walkable, livable, and healthy city look like on your block?


Looking for more details or inspiration? Check out the PARK(ing) Day Plus+ Guidelines or SDOT’s flickr album for some fun examples. PARKing day

More about Seattle’s PARK(ing) Day Plus+:

  • Plus+ 2 days of fun
    • This year, we extended the event into two days – Friday September 16, and Saturday, September 17. Participate either day, or both!
  • Plus+ Temporary street improvements
    • In addition to pop-up parks, you can test out temporary bike lanes or sidewalks to enhance the walking and biking environment.
  • Plus+ Small Sparks grants
    • We’re partnering with Department of Neighborhoods to offer funding through the Small Sparks grant program. You can apply for up to $1,000 to support a project or event that helps build stronger and healthier communities. Contact to learn more.

See our previous post about PARK(ing) Day in Seattle here.  Remember to submit your permit application to by August 5!