The $930-million Transportation Levy to Move Seattle was approved by voters in November 2015 and has since been funding safety improvements for all travelers, street maintenance, and investments in reliable, affordable travel options. Here is how the Levy has worked in your neighborhood in the first seven months of 2016:
- Eight Safe Routes to School projects completed this year, with four more planned for 2016
- More than600 crosswalks repainted, making our streets safer to cross
- 3,000 trees pruned to increase sign visibility and remove pedestrian hazards on the sidewalk
- Replaced over 2,000 regulatory signs
Maintenance and Repair
- More than 180 bridge maintenance projects completed to keep our bridges safe
- SDOT crews repaired seven blocks of sidewalk with more are on the way
- 70 new trees planted so far with more scheduled for this fall
- Ongoing pavement work to improve: 23rd Ave, Meridian Ave, Roosevelt Way, Renton Ave, Greenwood Ave and S Spokane St
Congestion Relief
- Installed more than 600 new bicycle parking spaces, many utilizing unused street space to improve sidewalk accessibility
- Bus stop improvements in the Montlake neighborhood making transfers easier at the new Husky stadium light rail station
- Bus stop and other improvements in South Lake Union to facilitate the new Rapid Ride C route through this growing neighborhood
Many of the bigger Levy projects – like the seven multimodal transit corridors, the Fairview Avenue bridge replacement and the Northgate pedestrian and bicycle bridge, to name a few – will take several more years to complete. With the majority of SDOT construction work planned for the warmer, drier months of July through October, we will continue to provide updates on Levy to Move Seattle projects as the year progresses.
By Elliot Helmbrecht, Levy Outreach and Accountability Manager