We are working hard to decrease the number, and severity, of accidents at SDOT. Whether someone is out in the field installing new pedestrian features, fixing potholes, pruning trees, or planning a new bike lane, safety is our top priority.
As part of this effort, we’ve revamped our Accident Prevention Program to encourage solutions directly from the workers engaging with a potential hazard. We’ve had great success so far, and are currently ahead of our goal for work-related injury and illness rates.
By getting all employees focused on safety, we’ve been able to come up with new strategies, encourage new people to get involved, and helped activate individuals to serve as safety role models for their co-workers. Not only can this shift produce great ideas and decrease accidents, it can also improve morale without incurring unnecessary costs.
The revamped Accident Prevention Program is being incorporated into new employee orientations, safety meetings, and classroom training sessions.