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New Restricted Parking Zone and a Change in Hours for Capitol Hill

SDOT has considered input and is creating a new Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ) on Capitol Hill which will be identified as RPZ  32. SDOT is also issuing a change in the hours of RPZ 15. The map below highlights the areas where parking restrictions are changing.

New RPZ: Zone 32 

Zone 32 signs will be installed on the green blocks in mid-2017. Residents in the gray area will receive a letter with instructions for obtaining a Zone 32 permit. The pink blocks will move from Zone 15 to Zone 32. Residents on these blocks will receive further communication about this change.

  • All residents within the gray area will be eligible for Zone 32 permits and guest permits
  • Permits are currently $65 per vehicle for a two-year cycle (discounted permits are available for income eligible households)
  • Zone 32 signs will limit parking for vehicles without Zone 32 permits to 2 hours Monday – Saturday, 7 a.m. – 8 p.m.
  • Zone 32 signs will not be installed adjacent to commercial properties or ground floor retail


Zone 15

In response to resident feedback, SDOT will leave the 4-hour restriction in place in Zone 15, as opposed to the proposed 2-hour restriction. New Zone 15 signs will be installed on the purple blocks and orange blocks in Spring 2017. The new hours will go into effect at that time, limiting parking for vehicles without Zone 15 permits to 4 hours, Monday – Saturday, 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. If you live on one of the new Zone 15 blocks identified in purple, you will receive a letter with instructions for obtaining a Zone 15 permit before any signs are installed.


SDOT and Sound Transit have been working together to manage on-street parking around the new Capitol Hill light rail station to prevent commuter parking. In July 2016, SDOT shared a plan for a new RPZ in the presently unrestricted area north of E Olive Way/E John St and west of Broadway. SDOT also proposed a change in Zone 15 hours to prevent commuter parking. Comments on the proposed plan were collected in July and September of 2016. Click here to see the mailer sent to residents.

SDOT does not change rates to generate new revenue. Per City policy, SDOT monitors parking conditions in and around all paid parking areas adjusts parking rates (up or down), and paid parking area boundaries and hours to achieve a target of keeping one or two parking spaces available on each block face at all times.


Contact or Ruth Harper at (206) 684 – 4103. Visit to see general RPZ program information.