Guys, I have a new look! Some of my cousins – SPD, Parks and Recreation, Office of Community Planning and Development to name a few, got their new looks a little before me (but I’m kind of a big deal, so it took a little longer to zhush me up!).
It’s been a while since I last shook things up. I’m talking almost 10 years! I got a complete overhaul and I’m feeling good! It’s now time to introduce the new me and help you navigate.
Things have moved around. I’ve organized myself less around how I see myself and more on how you might like to find information. With the new me, you’ll find there are multiple ways of getting to where you’d like to go. Lots of people like to hang out with me – from developers and contractors, to residents and research students – my goal is to make it easier for anyone to find what they’re looking for.
My main navigation is broken into 4 categories:
Getting Around
Whether by foot , bike , car , transit , or truck – I know you get around in many ways. Resources are organized by different forms of travel so you can find everything you need to know about walking for instance. You can locate a walking map, learn about our long-term plan to make Seattle more walkable, or get more info about a sidewalk project.
Permits and Services
Need a parking permit? Want to report a pothole, make a request, or do some type of work or activity in the street? It’s all here. At your service!
Projects and Programs
Where the rubber hits the road. Literally. Learn all about our current projects and the variety of programs we offer.
About Us
What exactly do we do in relation to the other transportation agencies in town? How are we organized and funded? Find out here. Oh, and a repository of all our reports, plans, studies, director’s rules. You can research to your hearts content in our hoarder’s corner document library.
So, how did I get here? I did a little soul searching and spent some time asking people how they’d like to use me and what they’d like to see come out of a makeover. Through a survey and several focus groups, I heard you wanted less clutter, to archive/get rid of the old stuff, group similar things together, and unify my look and feel.
So, here I am! Like any change, it’s going to take a time to get used to the new me. I hope you’ll poke around and find the site is more useful and easier to navigate.