Saving pavers, 06.07.18 | homeowner-replaced pavers, 06.25.18
Boots on the ground.
Recently, we told you about our steel-toed warriors, the hard-working Maintenance Operations concrete crew.
Granted, the story had no cliffhangers…like Stallone in the ’93 action thriller heist…
…but the story does have a surprise ending!
These guys love the feeling of leaving things better than they found them; essentially, they like being the good guys! Take SW Stevens St, for example.
Helping the community…
Before demolition in the public right of way space, the team asked an impacted long-time homeowner about decorative bricks placed around a planter. The crew then carefully pulled and preserved every paver so the homeowner could place them back in the shared space once ADA curb ramp work was complete. The cover photo (above right) shows the crew’s completed sidewalk/ADA ramp, and the homeowner’s great pavers installation!
Collaborating & adapting!

Custom sidewalk design @ SW Stevens St & 46th Ave | 06.25.18
But that’s not all—crews also worked to preserve a large, old tree on the other side of the intersection. They installed a modified sidewalk form, with special attention placing it around one of the tree’s roots. The modification (outlined in yellow) maintains both the tree’s growth and sidewalk support!
4,000 Words…
The pictures tell a thousand words (each! So, that’s 4,000!) about the efforts and collaborative results. But wait, there’s more….our hard-hatted helpers received a heartfelt thank-you letter from the homeowner (told ya’ there was a surprise ending):