1. Tell us your ideas.
EVERYBODY! Residents, businesses, community groups, and non-profit organizations – LISTEN UP! Do you have ideas to make your neighborhood/community better? How about:
- That sidewalk that needs repairs.
- Adding pedestrian lighting in a place that needs it.
- Improving bike safety (have an idea? Tell us!).
- Enhance a community space with art.
- Or how about a community space that can be enhanced with the art we just mentioned above!
These are just a few ideas but we know you have more you’ve been thinking about for a while. If your ask is transportation-related, now’s your time to let us know!
The City of Seattle has a Neighborhood Street Fund program funded by the Levy to Move Seattle to apply towards transportation-related projects in your community. The levy includes $24 million to continue the Neighborhood Street Fund program over the nine years with approximately $4 million for this three-year cycle (Fall 2018 applications for 2019 – 2021).
2. We prioritize the project.
3. You vote.
4. Projects are selected.

Maynard Avenue S: before and after | Planting strip, curb bulbs and landscaping | Selected for 2010 – 2012 cycle.
Just like that – your community can be improved! This cycle will include increased community feedback, compared to previous years, to help ensure we put the neighborhood in the Neighborhood Street Fund. After you tell us your ideas, we review project applications, we’ll ask communities to rank the projects using a scoring method based on needs and wants. Next, we’ll work with applicants to develop concept designs for feasible projects, from each council district area. A public vote will then help determine projects to fund.
Equitable distribution.
Five to 10 projects, depending on costs, will be selected with the assistance of the Move Seattle Levy Oversight Committee. This selection will emphasize equitable distribution of projects and funding.
Projects will be designed and built in 2020 and 2021. Please visit our NSF website for more information on how to apply in person or online. Read up on our frequently asked questions.
Keep a lookout! We’re hosting application drop-in sessions through November 19, where you can collaborate with your neighbors and fill out the application. Check our website for dates, times, and locations. We’ll select projects in summer 2019 and construct them by 2021.
So what are you waiting for? Apply today!
If you have questions, additional translated material, or need help with accessing the application, please contact us at nsf@seattle.gov or 206-733-9361.
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Haddii aad dooneyso turjubeen fadlen wac 206-733-9361.