From levy assessment to new levy action plan; SDOT provides more detail and transparency in project delivery.
Hey there Seattle! As we work to deliver safer streets, better roads, and more reliable transit options, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is updating residents and taxpayers on the improvements we’ve made in the way we manage and keep track of essential transportation projects and programs tied to the City’s voter-approved 2015 Levy to Move Seattle.
Over the remaining six years of the $930 million transportation levy, our focus is on more accountability with vastly improved transparency of our levy project delivery.
So What’s the Plan?
Dig into the thorough and specific data and information on levy deliverables, in our new Levy workplan. And, it’s not in transportation geek talk!
The workplan report provides a strategic overview of the in’s and out’s of levy transportation programs voters approved that enhance transportation safety, repair the city’s aging streets and bridges, and deliver much-needed transit speed and reliability improvements to meet the transit demand of our growing city.
This workplan is the first-of-its-kind for SDOT and will serve as a template for future reporting of levy progress and activities. Consistency is a must.
SDOT LEVY Workplan Highlights
Each of the levy program are clearly identified and includes:
- Detailed project descriptions
- Annual targets and benchmarks
- Project schedules
- Year-to-year budget looks-ahead
- Overview of current and future year project status
Moving Forward with Successes & Challenges.
Last spring, at Mayor Jenny Durkan’s direction, SDOT conducted a levy assessment to identify program, budget and projects delivery vulnerabilities stemming from the original 2015 levy assumptions, and has worked closely with community stakeholders, advocates and the Levy Oversight Committee in creating a transparent approach to delivering transportation commitments on schedule and within the levy’s budget.
The report outlines our nine-year workplan PLUS documents project milestones and achievements. More importantly it also addresses our challenges, with a clear and measurable plan that demonstrates a forward path to project delivery.
SDOT leadership, project teams and staff are incredibly honored to have had the opportunity to double-down on our commitment to deliver a high-quality transportation system for Seattle in the most transparent way possible.

WSDOT image | Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Program
While putting together this report, the Puget Sound region has continued to experience unprecedented private and public development, which increases competition for resources. To plan for this growth, we will conduct analysis to better understand the type and level of resources needed to deliver the levy on schedule and report out on those findings in an effort to secure a plan forward.
SDOT’s Commitment to You!
We are 100 percent accountable for our work and service to Seattle residents and tax payers. Full stop.
Our team will remain committed to meeting any challenges head on as we progress towards a better tomorrow remains strong. It is our intention with this workplan report; the Move Seattle third quarter update; and subsequent updates, to engage you through process. As we look forward to delivering world-class transportation improvements in the years ahead, we hope you find value in our first Move Seattle Workplan report.