Over the next 2 weeks transportation planners and the Department of Neighborhoods are hosting café-style conversations about a proposed 6-year plan to build a connected bike network. The plan anticipates constructing 49 miles of bicycle facilities and designing an additional 13 miles using a combination of Levy to Move Seattle and other project funding. The plan identifies projects and programs which, combined with existing facilities, will make significant progress towards implementing 2014 Bike Master Plan recommendations. It works to achieve an all ages and abilities bike network through a combination of protected bike lanes, trails, neighborhood greenways, and funding for bike parking, encouragement programs, and safety education.
Can’t make a meeting? Take our online survey.
What’s new this year?
While the proposed Implementation Plan’s budget hasn’t changed, the number of projects it delivers has. The plan reprioritizes projects based on available funding – keeping in mind that we’re also working to secure additional funds allowing us to construct more projects. Last fall, we completed a comprehensive reassessment of the Levy to Move Seattle under the leadership of Mayor Durkan based on more realistic assumptions than we used in 2015. The Bike Master Plan is funded in large part by the Levy so we’ve been working with the Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board and used the 2014 Bike Master Plan prioritization criteria, grant and partnership opportunities to identify projects.
Once the Implementation Plan is finalized, there are many steps that need to be taken before a project is built. For example, we may need to revise the plan if something unforeseen comes up during engineering, if there are coordination challenges with other public and private projects, or as we learn about other issues through community engagement. This year, we’re being more upfront about potential risks or issues and engaging the community before finalizing the plan.
Be a part of the conversation
A variety of travel options are needed as Seattle grows to benefit livability, affordability, public health, economic competitiveness, and natural environment. Bring your thoughts about how bicycling can be a part of the solution by sharing your transportation values and how the 6-year plan does or can reflect them. Let us know where you travel to, how you like to get there, and if you encounter barriers. And finally, how we can continue to engage you and others as projects are designed and built. Meetings start at 6PM and are being held in Central Seattle (4/23), W Seattle (4/24), SE Seattle (4/29) and N Seattle (4/30).
Let’s keep growing bicycling in Seattle!