Our move from Hansen – the permit platform we currently use – to Accela, which is accessible through the Seattle Services Portal (SSP), will make our permitting and inspections processes more consistent, predictable, and transparent for you.
Accela is a software system currently used to maintain many city records, such as Seattle Department of Construction and Inspection (SDCI) permits, Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ) and truck permits, and some license applications. Since we issue many different permits with varied requirements in our Street Use division, we have been moving to Accela in phases over the last two years. This is the final migration for our department.
The move to Accela means that through the SSP, you’ll be able to:
- Apply online for all permit types
- Check the status of your application and access related documents
- Take advantage of a consolidated payment system for all applications
- Schedule an inspection and/or check the status of an inspection
The current Hansen platform closes for new applications on November 4 (today), and for payments on November 6. Beginning November 9, you will have access to all Street Use permits on the SSP. (Take a look at the full timeline below.)

You’ll be able to apply for a new application or access an existing application in the SSP for the following Street Use permit types beginning Nov. 9.
- Right-of-way Construction permits (today’s “Construction Use” permits)
- Right-of-way Maintenance permits (a new permit type for short term work with minimal impacts)
- Minor Utility permits
- Heavy Crane permits (a new permit type for the installation and removal of tower cranes)
- Street Improvement permits
- Utility Major permits
- Final Plat permits
- Side Sewer and Stand-Alone Curb Cut SDOT & SDCI Permit Integration (Read more below; begins November 12!)
If you have any of our temporary permits, a Stay Healthy Block permit, Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ) permit or a Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections permit, you already have an Accela account, because these permits are issued through the SSP. You will not need to create a new account.
With this migration, we have collaborated with SDCI on two new integrated permits: Side Sewer and stand-alone Curb Cut. The revised processes for these permits, outlined below, will go into effect for permit applications on November 12 and beyond.

Side Sewer Permit | Integration and Changes:
- Allows the applicant/contractor to request a SDOT side sewer permit application be created off of the SDCI side sewer permit application. The SDOT permit application will be created when the SDCI side sewer permit is issued.
- Allows applicants/contractors to apply for SDOT’s side sewer permits in advance of SDCI permit issuance to align issuance events.
- Requires SDOT plans to be submitted at application.
Stand-alone Curb Cut Permit | Integration and Changes:
- This update combines the SDOT and SDCI stand alone curb cut permits (that means one permit for both!).
- Stand-alone curb cut permits will be administered by SDOT and reviewed by SDCI.
- Fees and review approval will be collected and captured under the SDOT permit.
- Curb cuts reviewed under a SDCI Building Permit (CN) will still require two permits, one from each department.
- If you have started an SDCI Curb Cut record/application in the SSP, you’re advised to fully submit all application materials before November 12. If you have not submitted by November 12, SDCI staff will contact you to assist in transitioning to the new combined permit.
Keep these key dates in mind as we transition to the new system!
Date | Details |
Monday, November 2 | As of Monday, we are no longer accepting new applications or modification requests by email. |
Wednesday, November 4 (today!) | Online web form for new applications closes at 5 PM. |
Friday, November 6 | Online web form for payments closes at 3 PM. The SDOTUtilPermits@seattle.gov email address is retired. |
Saturday, November 7 to Sunday, November 8 | Automated Conversion occurs. The SSP will be unavailable from Nov. 7 at 3 AM to Nov. 8 at 11 PM. |
Monday, November 9 | Official Launch Day! Our Street Use division as a whole is closed for business. We will not be accepting new applications or processing reviews. The Accela phone line and email become available today. Phone line: 206-727-8640. Email: dot_su_ssportal_questions@seattle.gov |
Tuesday, November 10 | The Street Use division will remain closed except for the Accela phone line and email above. |
Wednesday, November 11 | Veteran’s Day; the Street Use division will remain closed for the holiday. |
Thursday, November 12 | The SSP is fully open for business and new integrated permits enter production. |