City of Seattle encourages safe travel on land and water and hopes everyone gets safely to and from wherever the weekend takes them. Here is a link to Seafair’s page on transportation options and parking for Seafair Weekend.
With this upcoming weekend’s Seafair Weekend events, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) and Seattle Police Department (SPD) would like to remind everyone to plan ahead before heading out to enjoy Seafair activities. That includes minding your speed, watching for out for other people, and designating a driver, behind the wheel of a car or boat, to keep our roads and waterways safe for all. The reminder is part of Vision Zero – Seattle’s plan to end traffic deaths and fatalities by 2030.
The city has seen an increase in total crashes, injuries and distracted-related collisions during Seafair weekend on roads near Seafair Weekend events.
Seafair is one of the busiest boating events of the season. Drinking and operating a boat is subject to the same DUI laws as operating a motor vehicle, and SPD’s Harbor Patrol actively enforces these laws. Extra enforcement patrols will also be on land, given the festivities extend from the water to public parks and streets.
The City of Seattle is committed to safe travel and to eliminating traffic-related deaths and serious injuries. Earlier this year, the City launched Vision Zero to design smarter streets, enforce existing laws, and educate the public on safe travel behavior.
Have a Safe and Fun Weekend! For more information on Vision Zero, visit