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Final Parking Plan for West Seattle Junction

The Community Parking Program (CPP) has studied parking in the West Seattle Junction (WSJ) this year and a final parking plan has been developed and mailed to community members. After studying how parking was being used and how well drivers complied with posted signage, the need for more short-term on-street… [ Keep reading ]

Are You a Fan Yet?

Everyone’s on Facebook these days…and so are we. SDOT’s Community Parking Program (CPP) shares updates on the neighborhoods where parking is currently being studied. You can find information on upcoming meetings, updates on parking studies, links to maps for recommendations, and links to interesting parking-related stories among other things. This year… [ Keep reading ]

We’re Looking to Hear from You

Every year, SDOT’s Community Parking Program studies parking in Seattle neighborhoods to see how parking is working. This year, one of the neighborhoods we are working with is the West Seattle Junction. Over the year, we have employed a few outreach methods to keep the community involved, including the classic… [ Keep reading ]

Capitol Hill Draft Parking Plan

                  You’ll be interested to know that SDOT has released a DRAFT parking plan for the Capitol Hill study area, bounded by E Roy St on the north, 12th Ave E on the east, E Pine St on the south, and Melrose… [ Keep reading ]

Building Parks between Cars…For a Day

Last month, SDOT participated for the first time in Park(ing) Day. On this day, parking spaces around the city, and world, become parks, where people could play games, socialize, and generally return more of the city streets to pedestrians for a day. SDOT’s goal was to help share information on… [ Keep reading ]

Come Play in the Street…SDOT Celebrates PARK(ing) Day

See how livable city streets are when they are opened to people. This Friday, September 18, from 9AM to 3PM SDOT is participating in an annual, one-day, global event where people collaborate to temporarily transform metered parking spots into public parks. Join us in: Ballard where two parking spots in front… [ Keep reading ]

Skip Thursday’s Happy Hour…Let’s Talk Parking!

                          You know that parking is a premium on Capitol Hill and First Hill. We know it too. That’s why SDOT’s Community Parking Program is actively engaging with residents, businesses, and community groups in these neighborhoods to figure… [ Keep reading ]

You’re just one click away

From a whole world of interesting questions that folks have been asking since we launched the SDOT blog in July. Have you ever wondered how to change a street name, how SDOT decides which streets to repave next, who owns the sidewalks or how traffic signal timing works with the… [ Keep reading ]

Comments Needed on RPZ Program Director’s Rule

Starting in 2007, SDOT initiated a major policy review to redesign the RPZ program to better achieve City’s goals for parking management, transportation, economic development, social equity, and sustainability. On Monday, SDOT reached an important step in revising the Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ ) program and released a draft “Director’s… [ Keep reading ]

You heard it here first – West Seattle Junction parking

Draft findings from the May West Seattle Junction parking study are hot off the press.  The results?  Existing two-hour time limit signs in the commercial area along California Avenue SW seem to be working well.  SDOT doesn’t think paid parking is the right approach for the Junction at this time…. [ Keep reading ]