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Curbside pick-up zones coming to Seattle retail shops!

To support access to the Seattle businesses opening up for curbside delivery, we are rolling out new curbside priority pick-up zones. The State of Washington’s phased approach to re-opening now allows retail stores to re-open for curbside pick-up. To support these businesses, we are installing temporary 15-minute loading zones to… [ Keep reading ]

2020 bike investments to accelerate, including 20 miles of Stay Healthy Streets to become permanent in Seattle

Mayor Durkan and SDOT are making at least 20 miles of the Stay Healthy Streets pilot permanent, and moving forward with a bold vision of enhanced bike infrastructure. Mayor Jenny Durkan announced today that Seattle will make at least 20 miles of Stay Healthy Streets permanent. She also directed SDOT to expand the program to include routes in more neighborhoods and accelerate the installation of new bike facilities such as Neighborhood… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle takes new steps to fine-tune traffic signals for people walking and rolling during COVID-19 health crisis

The COVID-19 health crisis has made us all rethink business as usual. Across the city, creative people have been working together to plan and execute immediate changes to help people and businesses in our city during this unprecedented time. One way that we are adapting to the city’s changing needs has been to adjust nearly 800 traffic signals throughout Seattle to reduce the time people need to wait to cross… [ Keep reading ]

Q1 update on the Levy to Move Seattle

On the heels of a very successful 2019, we had great momentum heading into 2020. In the first three months of the year, our project teams, crews, and contractors made meaningful progress on sidewalk, road, and transit projects funded by the voter approved Levy to Move Seattle. However, starting in… [ Keep reading ]

Get Ready! 11 More Miles of Stay Healthy Streets Coming Your Way

We’re opening 11 more miles of Stay Healthy Streets to allow for safe social distancing while walking, rolling, running, skating, and biking! Lake City, Aurora Licton Springs, Ballard, and Delridge/Highland Park communities will be able to access essential services, recreate, and walk their dogs near their homes while protecting the neighbors by keeping 6 feet apart. Stay Healthy Streets… [ Keep reading ]

Stay Healthy Streets continue this week and will add 3 new neighborhoods this weekend

We’re opening 6 more miles of Stay Healthy Streets to allow for safe social distancing while walking, rolling, running, skating, and biking this Friday! Greenwood, Othello and Rainier Beach, and Beacon Hill communities will be able to access essential services, recreate, and walk their dogs near their homes while protecting their neighbors by keeping 6 feet apart 24/7. We’re also extending the Central District route to include E Columbia St,… [ Keep reading ]

ለምግብ ማንሻ ቅድሚያ የሚሰጠው ዞን

የማህበራዊ መራራቅ እርምጃዎችን እየተበረታታ ለአቅርቦት አሽከርካሪዎች እና ለደንበኞች የመውጫ ትዕዛዞችን እንዲወስዱ ቀላል ለማድረግ ሲባል የሲያትል ትራንስፖርት ክፍል በጎዳናዎች ላይ የመኪና ማቆሚያ ቦታዎችን ወደ ጊዜያዊ የሶስት ደቂቃ ተሳፋሪ የመጫኛ ዞኖች እየቀየረ ነው ፡፡ English-version of this blog here. እነዚህ አዲስ ጊዜያዊ የመጫኛ ቀጠናዎች በጊዜያዊ ማስታወቂያ ማስቀመጫዎች እና መለጠፊያዎች ላይ የተሳፋሪ የጭነት… [ Keep reading ]

Hey West Seattle residents, Thank you!

It’s been over two weeks since we closed West Seattle High-Rise Bridge, and we’re incredibly grateful for how you’ve patiently navigated the closure and begun to adjust to this ongoing challenge. We know that the bridge closure is an inconvenience, especially for those driving who now must travel miles out of your way to get to essential jobs. We understand that the unexpected closure was frustrating,… [ Keep reading ]

Doing our part to support a healthy Seattle

We’re committed to delivering a transportation system that keeps our city thriving and supports healthy living. The health of people living in Seattle and beyond is of utmost importance to us. At the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT), we focus on providing healthy options for travel and building infrastructure to… [ Keep reading ]

Temporary Parking Changes: Free street parking & lifting time limit restrictions

የሲያትል ፓርኪንግ ማሻሻያዎች西雅圖市停車規定更新시애틀 주차 최신 소식Cubsoonaysiinta Baarkinka SeattleThông Tin Cập Nhật về Đậu Xe tại SeattleActualizaciones del estacionamiento en Seattle Today Mayor Durkan announced we will temporarily eliminate paid and time-limited street parking rules to support residents staying healthy at home and essential workers. “To improve access to parking for… [ Keep reading ]