Last week, SDOT began work to transform Terry Avenue from Virginia Street to Lenora Street into a “green street,” making it a more enjoyable walking environment. The street is used by pedestrians on their way to the downtown bus tunnel and to local transit, as well as local businesses and the nearby Cornish College.
The street is now closed to all vehicles, and will remain closed until the end of August; however, the street will remain open to pedestrians and bicycles, and access to all buildings on this block will be maintained. SDOT will narrow the roadway and remove 35 on-street parking spaces, replacing them with landscaping (including 13 trees) and wider sidewalks. Three granite slab benches will be added. The total cost is approximately $500,000, funded primarily by a Federal Transit Administration grant with additional money from local grants.
SDOT expects the project to be completed by late August. If you have questions about the project design, please see the project website—