Seattle’s Bicycle Master Plan got a lot of attention when it was completed in 2006. It’s an ambitious plan with a goal of installing 450 miles of on and off-street bike facilities in ten years. In the three years since it was released, SDOT engineers and crews have been systematically designing and installing lanes, sharrows, signals, signs, lockers and other bike facilities that make Seattle a better place to ride. By the end of this construction season, new bike lanes, sharrows, signed routes and off-street trails will total 135.57 miles of the 450 mile goal.
E. Cherry Street just contributed to that total today. The project that just wrapped up this afternoon includes bike lanes on the south side of E Cherry Street between 12th Avenue and 21st Avenue and shared lane pavement markings (or “sharrows”) between 21st Avenue and 23rd Avenue. On the north side of E Cherry Street, sharrows have been placed between 12th Avenue and 23rd Avenue. Last, but not least, a new marked crosswalk has been installed on the west leg of E Cherry Street and 16th Avenue.
Happy riding!