You’re probably wondering what this number represents. Is it the number of miles of roadway in Seattle? Or perhaps it’s the length of the Aurora Bridge?
Actually, 1,581 is the number of collisions that have occurred on Aurora Avenue North in the past three years. That works out to about 46 collisions per month or at least one collision per day! That’s why SDOT has partnered with the Washington Traffic Safety Commission, the Washington State Department of Transportation, state and local law enforcement, residents and business owners to launch the Aurora Traffic Safety Project.
The Aurora Traffic Safety Project aims to reduce collisions on Aurora using short-term, low-cost solutions through engineering, education, and enforcement efforts. The project will boost police patrols, install new signs, crosswalks and pavement markings, and launch an educational campaign intended to raise awareness about the characteristics of this roadway.
Read all about our plans for Aurora here: