We love to say “yes” to citizens; nothing feels better than being able to provide the help and change that a citizen requests. Regrettably, some of the time we have to say “no” because of budget limitations and because we serve the public according to specific language of city regulations, legislation, or funding initiatives.
Not long ago, we received a request for repairs of a pathway on the north side of Northgate Way between N 105th and N 107th streets. SDOT staff went out to the location and determined that although Northgate Way is scheduled for paving under a Capital Improvement Project in 2014, the old pathway needed repairs that could not wait. Fortunately, the pathway met the criteria for improvement with funding for spot sidewalk repairs under the Bridging the Gap voter approved transportation initiative.
SDOT trimmed back the overgrowth of shrubbery and laid down a fresh layer of asphalt over the old the existing sidewalk to give it a smooth surface. If you live in the neighborhood, please take a stroll along the newly improved pathway. A thank you goes to your neighbors, Autumn and Doug Eakin, for calling our attention to this situation.