Crews continue to move forward on the Nickerson Street Paving and Rechannelization Project and their progress is evident throughout the corridor.
Between Etruria Street and 13th Avenue W, the transformation is nearly complete. Nickerson, once two motor vehicle lanes in each direction, now consists of one travel lane in each direction with a center two-way left turn lane. Bike lanes have been added on the uphill portion of the roadway (aka ‘climbing lanes’) and sharrows have been installed on the downhill sections. Cyclists are already utilizing the new bike facilities.
Paving on the east end of the corridor, from Etruria Street to Fourth Avenue North, was completed just last night. Roadway striping work in this area will be completed on Monday, August 16th.
The project will conclude in the spring of 2011 with the installation of pedestrian improvements including three new marked crosswalks at 12th Avenue W, Cremona Street, and Dravus Street.
When all is said and done, this project will improve pedestrian and bicycle safety while maintaining existing vehicular traffic flow. SDOT will continue to monitor this corridor to ensure that mobility needs are being met.