Now that fall is here and we have new routines to get to school and work – make sure you think about the Way to Go.
Check out the WALK, BIKE, RIDEr SDOT’s fun, fact-filled monthly newsletter on walking, biking, riding transit and other tips on how to leave your car at home more often. This month’s theme is transit—and there’s a lot happening. From new sidewalks for a smooth walk to your stop, to info on Metro’s Oct 2 changes to bus service, to smart phone apps that make riding transit easier.
One exciting feature is the coming debut of Metro’s RapidRide, a premium bus service between Tukwila and Federal Way with faster, more frequent service on specially branded buses. Starting in 2012, RapidRide will connect West Seattle and Ballard to downtown Seattle.
Walk to School Month starts in October and the newsletter links you to more information.
Interested in how transit accessible Seattle’s neighborhoods are? It’s in the newsletter check it out. To subscribe visit SDOT’s Way To Go Web site and click on “subscribe” on the right. This page is also a great way to learn more about SDOT’s drive less programs.