Nearly half of all collisions that occurred on Aurora Avenue North between April 2005 and March 2008 were caused by driver inattention. Aurora is a bustling street where drivers can easily be distracted. Local businesses line the roadway, Metro’s Route 358 provides frequent transit service and pedestrians walk to and from destinations like schools, bus stops, and Green Lake. Put simply, there’s a lot happening on Aurora. Toss 35,000 to 85,000 vehicles into the mix on an average weekday and Aurora can be quite challenging for drivers and pedestrians alike.
No matter how you’re traveling along Aurora, it’s important to be alert and ready for anything at any time.
The Aurora Traffic Safety Project aims to reduce collisions on this busy arterial by 25 percent. One component of the project’s efforts to improve safety is a public information and education campaign. The project is currently running pedestrian safety oriented billboards along Aurora to remind drivers to stop for pedestrians. Previous billboard campaigns have highlighted issues like speeding and texting while driving and future educational efforts will focus on inattention featuring the project’s tagline “Expect the Unexpected”.
On Wednesday, September 22nd, the Aurora Traffic Safety Project was presented with a 2010 Target Zero Award by the Washington Traffic Safety Commission. Target Zero is Washington State’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan that aims to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries on our roadways by 2030. The Aurora Traffic Safety Project was recognized for efforts to reduce distracted driving.