Need a reason to think of trying transit across SR 520? We’ve got a few:
This week new bus service will provide better connections between the communities on both sides of the lake. The number of bus trips across 520 will increase by 20%…giving you more frequent options!
In addition, tolling is coming to the SR 520 bridge in spring 2011. All-electronic tolling on the SR 520 bridge will help manage traffic flow and raise funds for improvements to make the bridge safer. But starting on October 2, 2010 new service on Routes 255, 265, 271 and the new Route 542 between Redmond, the UDistrict and Green Lake, will provide attractive options for those wanting to try a different way of crossing the lake.
Even more service will be added in February 2011, and Metro will also be making improvements to bus stops and park-and-ride lots. Here are more details and a map showing the new transit service.