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Walking and Busing on 3rd Ave. in Belltown


In the past two years sidewalks and bus stops along 3rd Ave. in Belltown have seen great improvement. Two projects funded by the voter approved Bridging the Gap transportation levy have re-built and expanded sidewalks on 10 block faces, including six bus stops. The first project, completed in 2009, was a Neighborhood Street Fund project that reconstructed sidewalks and added new, expanded tree pits with new trees.

In 2010, the Bridging the Gap Transit Improvements funded new bus stop facilities along 3rd Ave. between Virginia Street and Cedar Street. This included new, wider sidewalks for expanded bus waiting areas with shorter crossing distances, new tree pits and trees, pedestrian lighting, and bike racks. Design for these projects drew from The Third Avenue Streetscape Plan and community input.

Next month a small section of sidewalk and a tree pit will be re-built completing the entire east block face between Bell Street and Battery Street with improved pedestrian environment.

Below are some photos of the new sidewalk and bus stops.