To complete construction efficiently crews rebuilding 15th Avenue NE in the University District are going all out, night and day!
The work schedule is quite the balancing act with very little wiggle room on such a highly utilized roadway. Despite that, in just the first four weeks crews have installed about 2,500 feet of conduit; installed 11 new storm water filters; and demolished more than 2,500 square yards of existing roadway while reconstructing the southbound curb lane from NE Pacific Street to NE 43rd Street.
The contractor is rebuilding the entire street, curb to curb, and improving sidewalks from NE Pacific to NE 45th streets. Work this next month includes:
- Completion of both southbound lanes between NE Pacific and NE 45th streets
- Demolition of existing roadway and reconstruction of new concrete pavement on additional lanes between NE Pacific and NE 45th streets
- Sidewalk replacement in areas along the west side of 15th Ave NE between NE Pacific and NE 45th streets
- Installation of new electrical conduit behind the curbs
In June, when the summer break begins at the University of Washington, the contractor will work on the piece of 15th NE between NE 45th Street and NE 50th Street. The last work will be to resurface 15th NE with asphalt from NE 50th to NE 55th.
Want to see more photos of this fast-moving project? Visit Flickr.