Spring is quickly approaching and that means it’s time for Spring Clean – Seattle’s premier community cleanup event, 23 years old and going strong! It is time to start thinking, talking to your neighbors, and signing up to participate!
While the people in this photo are part of a well organized group cleaning up Lake Union; sometimes just two or three neighbors have come together to clean up places they have noticed garbage or illegal dumping in their neighborhood. It is a chance to get to know your neighbors and make a difference. The City tries to make it easy by coming and hauling away the garbage you have collected.
Other Project Ideas include: protect salmon by stenciling storm drains, paint out graffiti, remove invasive plants, or join a planned event in your community. Please note that all Spring Clean projects are on public property.
Dates: Spring Clean is a two-month event lasting from April through May.
The City Will Help You! FREE litter cleanup bags, gloves, safety vests, and waste disposal permits.
Get Started. Call 206-233-7187 or go to www.seattle.gov/util/SpringClean.
This program is a partnership of citizen volunteers and Seattle Public Utilities, the Department of Neighborhoods, Seattle Parks and Recreation, and Seattle Department of Transportation.