The Aurora Traffic Safety Project has been working to reduce collisions on Aurora Avenue North since June of 2009. With one year’s worth of collision data now processed, we’ve been able to assess the performance of the project to date. And we have good news to report! When compared to the three year period between April 2005 and March 2008, collisions have been significantly reduced on Aurora. Here are the details:
- Total collisions on Aurora have decreased 21 percent
- Serious and fatal collisions on Aurora have decreased 22 percent
- Injury collisions on Aurora have decreased 23 percent
This reduction in collisions can be attributed to the project’s three-pronged approach to improve traffic safety through data driven engineering, enforcement, and education efforts.
SDOT has completed a number of street improvements in support of this project including the construction of new sidewalks, curb ramps, and a new marked crosswalk at N 115th St; the installation of new regulatory, warning, and street name signs along the entire corridor; the installation of left turn signals at N 80th St; the installation of reflective pavement markers to help drivers navigate Aurora’s curves; and the installation of pedestrian countdown signals at four intersections.
The project’s engineering team is currently preparing for construction season with several projects in the queue. From late March through May, SDOT crews will be all over Aurora. Five radar speed signs will be installed along the corridor in an effort to deter speeding. To improve pedestrian safety, new curb ramps will be constructed on all corners of the intersection of Aurora and N 130th St and a new marked crosswalk will be installed on the north leg of the intersection. New signage with flashing beacons will be installed on the approaches to the Aurora Bridge to warn drivers of merging traffic ahead and the intersection of Halladay St and Aurora will be reconfigured to improve sight distance and reduce rear end collisions.
Our partners with the Seattle Police Department and the Washington State Patrol have issued more than 12,000 citations on Aurora since June of 2009. Enforcement efforts are focused on intersections or segments of the corridor with a history of collision problems. Seattle Police patrol Aurora daily but a major enforcement emphasis patrol is planned for mid-April.
Engaging the community along the corridor is key to achieving the project’s goal. To reduce unsafe behavior on Aurora, educational efforts have focused on raising awareness about the leading contributing causes of collisions on Aurora like failing to yield, inattention, and speeding. The education team has developed an awareness program to reinforce safe driving messages and support the project’s enforcement and engineering activities. These efforts include an ongoing billboard campaign, special events, and outreach at local schools and businesses.
Be sure to check the SDOT Blog regularly for information about planned construction and enforcement activities on Aurora.