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Mercer West Open House


About 175 people came out to the Seattle Center Tuesday March 15 for an open house focused on the feasibility results of adding a second lane up West Mercer Place, and providing comments on the project. The program included a 3-minute, narrated power point presentation, and display boards outlining the project and various options for the West Mercer Place alternatives.

All the materials that SDOT put together for the Open House (handouts, comment forms, presentations) are available at Comments are due by April 29. After gathering input from the community and stakeholders, SDOT will make a recommendation to the Mayor.  If any improvements are recommended for West Mercer Place, SDOT will proceed with the first phase of design and appropriate analysis of environmental impacts. 

The FOLK Park community group also had a table at the open house to share their conceptual plan for Lower Kinnear Parking and the proposed Uptown Loop, a collection of pedestrian and bicycle routes that circle and traverse lower Queen Anne.