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Thank you Alki and West Seattle friends and neighbors for letting us come out and play on your street!

There was electricity in the air as the morning kicked off with the sound of the pistol at 9:30 am signifying the start of the West Seattle 5K Run/Walk. Around 1400 runners and walkers joined the race, 100 people more than last year! You may see the race results at

Congratulations to all the participants!

As the West Seattle 5K came to a close, the music kept pumping as the party transitioned to the Alki Summer Streets event, with a full “street opening” of Alki Avenue SW between 56th Avenue SW and 63rd Avenue SW. Vendors and community groups lined the street, and the stage sponsored by the Alki Community Council was set up.  It was a fun filled afternoon with lots of activities: face painting, henna tattooing, skateboarding, roller skating, bike riding, chalk drawing, dog walking – all on the street!!!

We hope you were one of thousand people who tried the surf machine, electric bike, skateboarding demos/ramps, got on the fire truck, listened to Brazilian and folk music, and watched the Kids Talent Show – among many activities along the way. 

It was a wonderful day of community building, supporting local businesses, celebrating, and enjoying the city road in an active, healthy, and engaging new way. 

The weather held up for the race and the party!

Special thank you to all of our sponsors and partners who made this great day possible:

  • Xerox
  • Seattle Children’s
  • Hansen’s
  • Cascade Bicycle Club
  • Keeney’s
  • West Seattle High School PTSA
  • Alki Community Council
  • eMoto
  • Coastal Surf Boutique
  • Casual Industrees
  • Mountain to Sound Outfitters
  • The Celtic Swell
  • Feet First
  • City of Seattle
  • LINK Apartments
  • Maryhill Ratz

Hope to see you in Greenwood on August 12th, and Rainier Valley on August 20th.