An SDOT project to improve three blocks of Terry Avenue North between Mercer and Thomas streets just wrapped up Monday – nearly a month ahead of schedule! Maybe we shouldn’t get all giddy and risk jinxing our next endeavor but…cares to the wind…here we go. Working to avoid conflicts with the operation of the Streetcar, project construction began with overnight shifts.
The night crews really rocked, completing excavation and demolition work near the streetcar tracks in record time. That enabled the concrete pavers to go in smoothly, figuratively and literally, on the new road base.
The improvements adjacent to the South Lake Union Streetcar stops at Mercer and Thomas, and midblock between Harrison Street and Republican Street, are intended to integrate pedestrians more fully into the street by having continuity in paving materials from the street to adjacent pedestrian areas. The visual helps convey the priority of pedestrian use.
This project in the heart of South Lake Union was designed by in-house staff and was constructed by Kamin’s Construction Company of Bothell (and funded by SDOT Street Vacation dollars) without any interruption to streetcar operation. Bravo all. OK, we now return you to our regularly scheduled humbleness.