Did you know the city has more than 2,200 miles of sidewalk? That’s a lot of sidewalk, however we have a way to go before the network is complete. Sidewalks play an important role in our communities. Sidewalks connect and provide safe alternatives to get from home to work or school or play. The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is committed to building sidewalks that make it easier to walk to the places we want to go. Thanks to Bridging the Gap (BTG), SDOT is working to make these important connections.
Over the first five years of BTG, nearly 80 blocks of new sidewalk have been installed connecting neighborhoods to schools, businesses and transit. A nine-year goal of 117 new blocks of sidewalk is well within reach. In 2012, SDOT will install 12 blocks of new sidewalk.
To date we have constructed 4 blocks and the remaining 8 blocks will be built in August and September.
As part of BTG, a Pedestrian Master Plan (PMP) was developed. The PMP is a long-term action plan to that establishes the policies, programs, design criteria and projects that will further enhance pedestrian safety and access in all of Seattle’s neighborhoods. The plan serves as a guide for SDOT as decisions are made regarding new sidewalk construction.
For information on SDOT’s Pedestrian program or the PMP please visit our webpage. For information on BTG, please visit its webpage.