New Street Artist ‘Bored’ Turns Chicago Sidewalks into an Alternative Monopoly Game
Have you played Chicago yet? When it comes to Seattle, Chutes and Ladders might seem like the ideal game thanks to our challenging topography. But if you can’t put in actual giant slides, it won’t be much fun. Instead we should take advantage of all the tasty goodies that surround us (cupcakes, and ice cream, and pie, oh my!) and become a super-sized CandyLand! Which way to the Salted Caramel Swamp?
World Trade Center Transportation Hub Assumes Its Sinuous Form
It’s cost more and taken longer than expected, but the WTC Transportation Hub is coming into focus and it looks totally cool! Check out the rest of the pictures at the link above.
The 2,500 mph VacTrain: One Possible Future for Mass Transportation
Someday vacuum tunnels could whisk passengers from New York to London in an hour, hitting speeds of up 2,500 mph. Or is all just a pipe dream?
These beautiful bridges are just for animals
It’s becoming more common build wildlife crossings, or ecoducts, over roads to ensure the safety of both animals and people. The Netherlands was one of the first countries to deploy such crossings and they now have a network of over 600 lovely crossings like this one:
But Washington also has a number of wildlife crossings as well. In fact, late last month WSDOT began construction of a special underpass on US 97 north of Goldendale that should reduce collisions with wildlife and provide better habitat for fish.
Which is all well and good, however, I think this particular wildlife crossing in Australia just might give me nightmares:

Red crabs climb over an overpass to cross a road on Christmas Island during their migration. (Christmas Island National Park)
(Monday – Friday SDOT sends out a compilation of local and national transportation news links. If you’d like to subscribe (or unsubscribe) to the list, just send an email to allie.gerlach@seattle.gov and I’ll take care of it for you. )