SDOT’s Arterial Major Maintenance (AMM) program maintains Seattle’s busiest streets with projects that are more extensive than filling potholes yet smaller than full road reconstruction projects. AMM project scopes vary depending on existing pavement conditions, priority of need, corridor use and loading, and available funding.
While the repair needs of our streets continue to exceed our limited funding for this maintenance program, SDOT continues to focus on efficiency and think creatively to get the most out of the public’s funds.
A recent example is the repaving of California Avenue SW from SW Graham to SW Findlay streets, just a block north of Morgan Junction and Rainier Avenue S near the City’s southern border.
On California Avenue SW (pictured above) and Rainier Avenue S SDOT repaved travel lanes to extend the area of pothole repair that available funding could address on these main arterial locations where parking and turn lanes were not repaved as they remain in more serviceable condition. While this approach may not be suitable in many cases, as a result of taking this flexible approach to addressing condition needs on these critical arterial corridors, the areas of critical pavement repair could be extended over multiple blocks.
While SDOT must work to prioritize and balance limited funds against critical infrastructure needs, we continue to look for ways to provide the most service that funding and site conditions will allow for the travelling pubic. In other words, we’re making our money go further.