The school year is back in session and we are seeing more and more kids walking and biking to school. Thanks to Bridging the Gap (BTG), five elementary schools around Seattle have new and improved walking routes in 2012.
This year, Highland Park Elementary, Greenlake Elementary, Sanislo Elementary, Dearborn Park Elementary and TOPS at Seward Elementary schools were recipients of funding from the BTG Safe Routes to School Program.
Highland Park Elementary School in Southwest Seattle was the largest project this year. Improvements around the school include a new all-way stop at 9th Avenue SW and SW Henderson Street; a new marked crosswalk and curb ramps at 10th Avenue SW and 11th Avenue SW and SW Trenton Street; and speed cushions were installed on 10th Avenue between SW Trenton and SW Thistle. A matching grant was received to help pay for the improvements.
Improvements at the other schools include the installation of new curb ramps, marked crosswalks, sidewalk repairs and a new sidewalk funded in partnership with the Neighborhood Street Fund program.
The Safe Routes to School program works closely with school staff, students and parents to identify barriers and solutions to make walking and biking safer and more accessible. In the first five years of the program, 25 schools have received improvements to routes leading to the schools.
For additional information on the Safe Routes to School Program please visit their webpage and for information about the BTG Program please visit its webpage.