The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is working hard to repave and reconstruct many of our major roadways and thanks to the Bridging the Gap (BTG) Transportation Initiative solid progress has been made. Since 2007, more than 180 lane-miles have been repaved or reconstructed across the city.
Two major paving projects were completed in 2012 – NE Ravenna Boulevard from E Green Lake Drive to 15th Avenue NE; and N/NW 85th Street and Greenwood Avenue N which included construction on N/NW 85th Street from 15th Avenue NW to I-5 and on Greenwood Avenue N from N 73rd Street to N 85th Street. These roadways were in need of major repair work and provide key links to neighborhoods in the Seattle’s northend.
The NE Ravenna Boulevard project saw the removal and replacement of the asphalt roadway, upgraded curb ramps, new bike lane markings and a new curb bulb to improve the pedestrian crossing at E Green Lake Drive N and NE 71st St. This project wrapped up work this summer.
The N/N 85thStreet and Greenwood Avenue N Project is substantially complete. N/NW 85thStreet is a key east/west roadway that connects neighborhoods in northwest Seattle with 15th Avenue Northwest, Aurora Avenue and Interstate 5. On N/NW 85th Street, this project installed new concrete pavement in the heavily travelled curb lanes, resurfaced the remaining lanes in asphalt, installed new and upgraded curb ramps, bus stop improvements, sidewalk repairs and replacements in areas and new drainage infrastructure. Greenwood Avenue N was resurfaced with new asphalt and sidewalks were improved on the north and south legs of the Greenwood Avenue N and N 85th Street intersection.
More than 15 lane-miles have been repaired as part of these two projects. In 2013, SDOT will begin repaving Delridge Way SW, NE 125th Street between I-5 and Sand Point Way NE and Northeast 105th and N Northgate Way. For information on the Arterial Asphalt & Concrete Paving projects please visit the web site. For more information on BTG please visit the webpage.