Shorter days and rainy weather signal the arrival of fall with winter following close behind! The good news is those of us in the Northwest don’t let either slow us down, we just dig out the GoreTx and keep right on peddling our way to work and to fun!
Thanks to the Bridging the Gap (BTG) transportation initiative, passed by Seattle voters in 2006, cyclists ride all year long in the city. Not only has BTG repaved many streets into and through the downtown core, making for a smoother ride for all roadway users, it has also allowed Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) crews to install new bike lanes and sharrows and also provides funding to maintain these markings. In 2012, more than 15 lane-miles of new bike lanes and sharrows have been installed and 40 miles have been maintained.
In addition to roadway markings, 30 miles of new bike route signage has been installed this year making it easier for cyclists (and other users) to navigate the city and 600 new bicycle parking spaces will be installed at key locations. SDOT crews have also been busy inspecting 35 miles of trail and made improvements at 10 locations.
BTG funding provides maintenance to Seattle’s roads, bridges, stairways, sidewalks and bike facilities with the goal of making it easier for all users to get around more easily and safely. It is important that we all slow down, look twice, wear brightly colored clothing and respect all roadway users a little more during the dark and rainy season. Be Super Safe everyone!!!
For additional information on BTG and the work it does please visit the web page.