Distracted drivers account for more than 1000 collisions per year on Seattle streets – that’s 1000 completely preventable collisions. We should all put our phones away when we get in the car but also understand that distracted driving incliudes more than just cell phone use. Eating food, putting on makeup, or looking for things in the back seat all take your attention from the road.
Despite the fact that the use of handheld devices while driving is a ticketable offense in Washington, it is clear that people have not gotten the message. Drivers in the bustling urban environment of Seattle should expect the unexpected at any time. The same is true for pedestrians and cyclists. You never know when a child will dart into the street or a large truck will be backing out of a driveway.
Still think you can talk or text while driving? Check out this video:
Avoid distractions and Be Super Safe.