Don’t forget Sunday is Mother’s Day! As we reported last week, patrons visiting the Waterfront can take advantage of FREE parking this Mother’s Day in Seattle. Helping to make the trip an easy one despite nearby construction, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and City of Seattle have teamed with several Waterfront businesses to offer up to four hours of free parking from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Sunday, May 12.
Taking advantage of the deal is simple:
- First, park at one of the six participating parking facilities on the Waterfront.
- Then, request a parking voucher from participating businesses at the time of your transaction.
- When you’re done dining or visiting an attraction, present your voucher and parking ticket to the lot attendant to receive up to four hours of free parking.
The Downtown Seattle Association’s website has information about how to enjoy Mother’s Day on the Waterfront. In addition to a map showing the locations of all participating parking facilities, it has links to participating businesses and attractions, which include: Argosy Cruises; the Seattle Aquarium; the Seattle Great Wheel; Ivar’s Acres of Clams; Elliott’s Oyster House & Cafe; Red Robin; The Crab Pot; Fisherman’s Seafood Restaurant; The Salmon Cooker and Alaskan Sourdough Bakery.
The Mother’s Day promotion is part of a broader strategy to maximize parking near construction on the Waterfront and in Pioneer Square. Since August 2011, WSDOT and the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) have been working to identify and implement strategies to mitigate on-street parking losses due to SR 99 tunnel construction. The agencies launched, an interactive, mobile-friendly website that features hours, rates and directions for nearby parking facilities in these neighborhoods. The site helps drivers locate convenient parking that matches on-street, metered parking rates.
For more information on the Mother’s Day parking promotion, visit
(source: Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Program