The 2012 Bridging the Gap (BTG) Annual Report is now complete and available on-line. 2012 was the sixth year of the levy program and was once again a successful year for the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT). You can view the report on-line here.
Bridging the Gap is a nine-year, $365 million levy that addresses twenty years of deferred maintenance caused by chronic under-funding of the transportation infrastructure. Approved by voters in 2006, BTG enables much-needed work by the Seattle Department of Transportation, such as roadway paving, sidewalk development and repair, bridge upkeep, and tree pruning and planting. It also supports the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plans, the Safe Routes to School program, enhanced transit connections and large Neighborhood Street Fund projects.The Bridging the Gap work is supported by an appointed citizens’ Levy Oversight Committee that meets quarterly. This 15-member body monitors revenues and expenditures, and reviews program and project schedules to provide full accountability to voters on BTG activities. A list of committee members can be viewed on their webpage.
Visit the Bridging the Gap web page to view the 2011 Annual Report.