The End of the Year always brings introspection, relief, and now more than ever (thanks Internet!) it brings Best Of and Top 10 Lists.
Here are a few you might find interesting:
- The 10 Best Cities for Public Transportation Seattle comes in at #9. (Will that be true in 2014? Seems unlikely if the next round of Metro cuts goes through.)
- Streetsie Awards People’s Choice: Vote for the Best and Worst of 2013 (A couple of NW projects to vote for in Most Awesome DIYer of the Year and Safe Streets Star of the Business Community)
- Top 10 bike stories of 2013
- The Best Thing My City Did This Year
Speaking of Best Things, what’s the Best Thing SDOT did this year? Just click on your favorite and you have voted:
[socialpoll id=”2182185″]
(If you do not see a poll up there ^, please note that there is a display issue in IE 9 and we are working to fix it)
If you want more info about any of these projects, get clicking!
- 2013 Seattle Bicycle Master Plan
- Aurora BAT Lanes
- Beacon Hill Greenway
- Broadway Cycle Track
- Delridge Way SW Paving Project
- Expanding Neighborhood Greenways Network
- Find It, Fix It App
- King Street Station Renovation
- Linden Avenue North Complete Street Project
- Microsurfacing
- NE 125th / Sand Point Way NE Paving Project
- Parklets
- Pay-By-Phone Parking
- Summer Streets
Happy New Year Everyone! See you in 2014!