After months of planning the Lake City Way Traffic Safety Project is officially underway! On March 28th residents and business owners took to our favorite roadway to remind drivers to ‘stop for pedestrians’, to ‘drive like you live here’ and that ‘streets are for people’. Following the attention-getting walk we kicked-off our project with the help of Lake City Greenways superstar Janine Blaeloch, Seattle City Councilmember Sally Clark, the Washington Traffic Safety Commission’s Angie Ward, and our partners at the Seattle Police Department and the Washington State Patrol. It was quite a fun and lively event.
Now that the project has launched here’s what you can expect:
- Extra enforcement patrols – the Seattle Police Department and the Washington State Patrol will be regular visitors to Lake City Way. Tell your friends and neighbors.
- Corridor Safety Project signs will be installed to alert drivers to this effort
- New regulatory and warning signs along the entire corridor – at least 250 new signs are coming to the corridor this spring
- Signage and beacon improvements coming to the two mid-block crossings near NE 125th Street this spring
- Substantial sidewalk, signal, and curb ramp construction at several key locations beginning in January 2015 (see the project’s Action Plan for more information)
- Educational events and outreach – look for our billboards, watch for events, and listen for our ads on Nathan Hale High School radio station C89.5 starting in May
Lake City Way has a lot to offer – from outstanding local businesses to great transit service and from Thornton Creek to the Public Library. Just remember to look out for each other, it’s the Lake City Way!