For students, summer is an opportunity to relax and unwind after months of hard work in the classroom. Learners of every age – elementary schoolers, graduate students, and students of life – flock to fairs and festivals during Seattle’s warmest season to soak up the sun and participate in cultural and civic events throughout our region. When school is out of session, the Waterfront Program takes its grassroots outreach strategies out into the community to do some teachin’! In recent years, we’ve made it a priority to provide easy access to project information through participation in summer fairs and festivals. We’ve been to more than 200 fairs and festivals, reaching thousands of new people in recent years! Taking our project into the neighborhoods where we live, work, and play, our team shares updates and answers questions about our shared waterfront. Whether you’re interested in the overall vision for the future waterfront, want information about current design, or you’re curious for more details about how the project will incorporate improved accessibility to-and-from the waterfront for people of all ages and abilities, we’re on-hand! Fairs and festivals are one way the Waterfront Program is working to educate the community on all-things waterfront.
Plus, who says learning can’t be fun? Tons of folks we’ve met at summer events in the community have “pictured themselves on the future waterfront” in Waterfront Seattle’s photo booth and/or have shared their favorite waterfront memories as part of our time capsule activity!
We’re inching ever-closer to fall, but the Waterfront Program will be at several more events this season – we hope to see you there!
- Salmon Homecoming (September 18-20, 2014)
- Trick or Treat on the Waterfront (October 26, 2014)
- Dia de Muertos (November 1-2, 2014)
If you’re unable to attend our fairs and festivals, but you want to learn more – reach out through our project inbox or give us a call at (206) 499-8040! We’ve also got a neat new feature that’ll allow you to sign up for program updates just by texting “waterfront” to 66866!