As previously highlighted here on the blog, we’re in the process of reviewing each aspect of our Safe Routes to School program with a diverse work group including administrators from Seattle Public Schools, parents, teachers and our government partners. Early next year we’ll introduce new pedestrian and bicycle safety education and encouragement programs along with revised enforcement commitments in our school zones. Another substantial component of this work is to continue to improve the built environment to better link parents, teachers and students to schools. And we need your help!
We want to know where people are speeding, where people fail to stop for pedestrians or where crossing and/or sidewalk improvements are needed. And we’ve developed an online tool to help collect this information. The feedback you provide will be used to prioritize future infrastructure investments, enforcement activities, and educational outreach. In fact, SDOT will develop conceptual designs for 12 locations selected through this exercise and we will build each of these improvements over the next few years.
Follow the link below to share your thoughts with SDOT using our wikimap:
Seattle’s School Road Safety Action Plan Wikimap
The comment period ends on January 9th so there are just a few weeks to provide feedback.
Thanks for your help, Seattle!