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SDOT’s 2014 Accomplishments and Goals for 2015

The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) remained hard at work throughout 2014 on projects that included: paving 31.1 lane-miles of arterial streets such as N 105th/N Northgate Way and Holman Road NW, converting Mercer and Roy streets to two-way operations, and completing the first season of Elliott Bay Seawall construction. It also replaced 2,900 regulatory road signs, executed 15,583 openings of five SDOT owned or managed bridges, and installed red bus-lane markings at eight locations to improve transit speed and reliability.

Paving on Mercer Street

Paving on Mercer Street


Fremont Bridge Rider

One millionth Bike crossed the Fremont Bridge in 2014

In 2014 the department helped support safe street operations by repainting 850 miles of arterial lane-lines and re-marking 500 crosswalks citywide. In addition to keeping streets clearly marked, SDOT crews also replaced street name signs at 1,250 intersections as well as performing maintenance on all 1,036 traffic signals citywide to keep them running properly.


Street name signs replaced; Traffic Signals maintenanced

Continuing efforts to enhance mobility and bicycle accessibility, SDOT completed the 1.2 mile Second Avenue Protected Bike Lane project from Pike to Yesler streets in just four months, completed four miles of neighborhood greenways in areas such as Wedgwood and the University District, and helped Pronto! launch its cycle share program at 50 stations throughout Seattle.

2nd Ave Protected Bike Lane

SDOT also supported pedestrian accessibility by building seven blocks of new sidewalks, adding to the 100 blocks of new sidewalk that have been constructed over the past seven years. Crews also repaired 49,825 square feet of sidewalk, which totals to 25 blocks worth of improved walkways.

New sidewalk on 85th

New sidewalk on 85th

Additional SDOT work completed in 2014 included:

  • Repairing 13,924 potholes
  • Microsurfacing 27 lane-miles of residential streets (a protective seal coating that extends the life of pavement)
  • Sealing 23.7 miles of pavement cracks (to prevent water from seeping under the pavement creating potholes)
  • Expanding Traffic Management Center hours of operation and using social media to better share traffic information with the public
  • Delivering an updated Street Tree Manual, which provides one-stop tree care information for residents, developers, contractors and tree service providers
  • Creating a new Play Streets program to allow short term closures of neighborhood streets so children (and adults) can have more space for play and physical activity
  • Supporting the creation of four new parklets in the right of way in Wallingford, the Chinatown/International District, the Central District and downtown.


With a busy year of accomplishments now behind it, SDOT is focused on a 2015 work plan that will:

  • Repave 27.9 lane-miles of arterial roads
  • Expand microsurfacing to 40-60 lane-miles
  • More than double pavement crack sealing to 56.8 miles
  • Increase bus service citywide through voter-approved Seattle Transportation Benefit District purchases
  • Enhance transit operations through electronic real-time schedule signs on the Route 44 corridor (Market/45th), sidewalk and bus stop upgrades on Greenwood Ave N (N 90th to N 105th), and more transit signal queue jumps
  • Deliver Seattle’s first Freight Master Plan


In 2015 the Seattle Department of Transportation will also:

  • Finish construction on the Mercer West project
  • Build 12.1 miles of neighborhood greenways
  • Begin installation of new, state of the art parking pay stations to replace 1,500 outdated models while retrofitting 700 others
  • Start operation of the First Hill street car line with partner agency Sound Transit
  • Help expand the Pronto! Cycle Share system
  • Complete design work on Third Avenue transit improvements
  • Expand TransitScreen access to 20 Seattle buildings


SDOT is continuing its hard work to maintain our city’s streets, sidewalks, green spaces, and bike paths. We look forward to a New Year filled with projects that help make Seattle a great place to live and work in.