Pilot Parklets and Streateries!
Seattle’s Pilot Parklet Program has been a great success since its launch in early 2013, and we have received positive feedback from communities all over Seattle telling us how much they have been enjoying their new gathering spaces. As a result, we are pleased to announce that we are crossing out the “pilot” part of the parklets program and are making parklets permanent!
So now that the parklets program is here to stay, we’re inviting a new round of businesses and community groups to apply for a spot in the program. And, as part of our latest call for new applications, we’ve created space in the program to try out a new type of parklet – the “streatery.” What’s a “streatery”? Think of a streatery as a sidewalk café nestled within a parklet. Do you own a restaurant or café and want to provide outdoor seating for your customers? A streatery can function as café seating with table service during some times of the day or year, and as a regular parklet whenever the additional seating isn’t needed. Streateries can be an especially great option for business in areas with narrow sidewalks.
Do you have an idea for a great new space in your neighborhood? Pitch us your idea by applying to host your very own parklet or streatery. All you need to apply is:
- The application form
- Three letters of support from your community (four for a streatery)
- A simple site plan showing the ideas for your parklet or streatery
- A few photos of the proposed location
After seeing all the creative designs that came in last year, we’re excited to see what great designs you come up with for this round!
For more information on designing, permitting, and building a parklet or streatery, check out our updated Parklet Handbook and Streatery Supplement. Keep in mind that all application materials must be emailed to parklets@seattle.gov by 5:00p.m. on March 20, 2015, and that parklet hosts are responsible for all costs, including design, construction, and ongoing maintenance.