The city continues their work to transform the intersection of Lake City Way NE and 24th Avenue NE. As noted previously here on the SDOT blog, this project will overhaul this intersection and provide new pavement, sidewalks, curb ramps and traffic signal controls. The changes will improve the safety for all users of these streets. When finished, drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists will notice the significantly improved sidewalks and transit stop. Construction is expected to be complete in another 30 to 45 days.
Thanks to the outstanding summer weather, our contractor is making quick work. New curb ramps have been constructed on the east side of Lake City Way and excavation for the extensive sidewalks on the west side of the roadway is nearly complete. Over the next few weeks, crews will complete sidewalk construction and prepare foundations for new traffic signal mast arms.
This project was identified by the residents and business owners that have guided the Lake City Way Traffic Safety Project. SDOT and our partners will continue to implement priority projects for the next several years along this corridor.