Three new schools with 1,500 students – Cascadia Elementary, Licton Springs K-8 and Robert Eagle Staff Middle Schools – opened this fall in north Seattle. With a lot of those kids walking and biking to school, they needed safety improvements around the new school campus.
In support of our Safe Routes to School program, we installed:
- 20 mph school zone flashing lights
- A new traffic signal, crosswalks and median island on nearby Aurora Ave N and N 92nd St
- A new multi-use trail next to the campus as part of the N 92nd St neighborhood greenway
- Protected bike lanes on N 92nd St and Meridian Ave N
In addition, speed humps will be installed on all the streets around the school campus and new crosswalks will be marked on N 90th St. Parents and neighbors have also organized walking school buses for students, which helps relieve congestion at school drop-off and pick-up times.
Walk and bike safely, kids!