One week of changing your commute: COMPLETE!
We’re almost half way through the #Realign99 closure before the new SR 99 tunnel opens in February, and we want to extend a tubular tunnel THANK YOU, Seattle, for doing your part to keep things moving.
Over this last week, you’ve switched work schedules or days, rearranged your daily routine, started commuting via carpool or bus or bike, and you certainly all practiced patience.
Just like an 80’s mixtape.
Seattle, this playlist is supported by your’s truly: SDOT and the Office of Film and Music and celebrates our music industry and the people who live, work, shop and play in Seattle!
As a thank you for your efforts over the last week, we present to you, DJ Sharlese Metcalf’s #SeattleSqueeze Spotify playlist!
Curated by KEXP’s DJ Sharlese Metcalf, the diverse playlist highlights local artists, past and present, and showcases the Northwest’s range of musical talent. Metcalf currently serves as a member of the Seattle Music Commission, advising the City of Seattle on policy and issues important to Seattle’s music industry.
Keep on Squeez’n Seattle!
As we say hello to the new SR 99 tunnel, take the opportunity to get to know some local artists and queue up this playlist for your commute! Thanks again, Seattle, and keep squeezing. Listen to the #SeattleSqueeze playlist on Spotify here!
For all things #SeattleSqueeze, visit our website!