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The Levy to Move Seattle programs & projects for 2019.

The $930 million voter-approved Levy to Move Seattle provides funding for projects that improve safety for all travelers, maintains our streets and bridges, and invests in reliable, affordable travel options for Seattle. 


Back in April of 2018, we developed the Updated Workplan Report following a comprehensive assessment of the Levy to Move Seattle by the direction of Mayor Durkan. The workplan outlines a clear and measurable plan to deliver citywide transportation projects and services funded in part or in full by the voter-approved Levy. The nine-year transportation Levy to Move Seattle aims to take care of the basics while also making investments that will allow our transportation system to keep pace with our growing city.


This week, we shared our 2019 Planned Levy Accomplishments with the Levy Oversight Committee. The 2019 Planned Accomplishments document is intended to be read alongside the Updated Workplan Report.


Here’s the skinny on how the two documents complement one another:


U P D A T E D   W O R K P L A N   R E P O R T

(The long-term plan.)

The Updated Workplan Report is our long-term plan for the remaining years of the Levy and it outlines:

  • Our delivery plan for all 30 Levy programs.
  • Adjustments to deliverables for four of the programs with identified challenges that were the result of a more detailed review during the Levy Assessment.


2019  P L A N N E D   A C C O M P L I S H M E N T S

(Our 2019 focus + notes about any changes.)

Project delivery is a fluid process where timelines shift, more or less funding is identified or allocated for various reasons, or resource allocation sometimes gets adjusted. This is why we’ forecast what we plan to accomplish each year.

The 2019 Planned Accomplishments outlines our 2019 focus and captures what’s changed from the Workplan Report.

In the 2019 Planned Accomplishments, we assessed project risks, challenges, and updated information about our crews and contractor availability. You can count on most of our 2019 plans in the Workplan Report to still happen. Take a look at what’s changed below.

From here, we’re focusing our energy on delivering and reporting back every quarter on our progress against what we outlined for the 2019 Planned Accomplishments.


Want to learn more? Visit our Levy Oversight Committee webpage.

