We’re always looking for more time, and tomorrow we get it – Leap Day! A whole extra day of the year!
(If only that meant we got two Saturdays this weekend…)
Leap Day is brought to you by Julius Caesar. Back in 45 BCE, he was first to declare an extra day every 4 years to make up for the lost hours each year in the Roman Calendar.

But instead of looking back at Leap Day facts that you can find elsewhere on the internet, let’s talk about what we’re leaping into this year.
- We’re leaping into a new era of micromobility and launching a new scooter share pilot program this spring.
- We’re leaping over I-5 by building a new bike and pedestrian overpass at Northgate so people can cross over I-5 to North Seattle College.
- We’re changing bus routes along Columbia St so it feels like bus commuters are leaping from West Seattle to downtown.
- We’re leaping towards our Vision Zero goal by reducing speed limits across the city.
- In less than two weeks we’ll leap with joy when #connect2020 construction is over and the Link light rail is back to the normal schedule – and soon people will be able to leap over Lake Washington by Link!
We hope you enjoy your extra day tomorrow.
Also, we’d be remiss if we forgot a HAPPY BIRTHDAY shout-out to all the Leaplings who are turning a year, slash four years, older on Leap Day! HBD!