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Wrapping up the final phase of the 35th Ave NE project

We’re wrapping up the final phase of the 35th Ave NE project, and it will be completed as soon as Monday April 27.

Most of the work was completed in 2019, but there are a few remaining items to complete the project in its entirety.

In this final phase we’re installing survey monuments, casting adjustments, and curb ramp adjustments for drainage.

We’ll be working in the following areas: 35th Ave NE between NE 75th St and NE 89th St, and the intersection of 35th Ave NE and NE 50th St. 

Here’s what you can expect:

Dates and Time: Working hours are Monday through Friday, 7 AM – 3:30 PM and the work will last approximately two weeks.

Parking: In order to complete this work in the right-of-way, we’ll be placing no parking signs in the work zones. Please be sure to move your vehicle from these areas in order to avoid towing. There will be parking restrictions in work zones and signage will be placed 72 hours in advance.

Expect: Traffic revisions and flaggers, noise, dust, and vibrations.

Thank you in advance for your patience as we complete the work on this project.    

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