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Posts categorized under Niki Seligman, Author at SDOT Blog

Seattle receives national recognition for preventing crashes with lower speed limits. Nearly half of Seattle’s major streets now have a 25 MPH speed limit.

Seattle saw dramatic reductions in crashes and injuries after installing 25 MPH speed limit signs, receiving recognition from national traffic safety officials. The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO)– an organization which sets traffic safety guidance – released new recommendations which highlight Seattle’s safety achievements as a national best practice to prevent crashes and save lives…. [ Keep reading ]

Roadside Chat with Latulitea Aho

Back in May, we highlighted some fabulous SDOT employees who identify as Asian Pacific American (APA) for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (APAHM). May is long gone, but I got the chance to grab a virtual coffee with Latulitea Aho and learn about her life. Today, we’re highlighting her story. Latulitea… [ Keep reading ]

식당, 음식 노점, 소매점의 야외 공간과 관련한 허가증 요건에 대한 최신 소식을 확인하세요!

워싱턴주 보건부(Washington State Department of Health)는 주지사 Inslee의 “안전한 시작(Safe Start)” 계획 2단계로 전환하려는 킹 카운티의 신청을 승인했으며, 이에 따라 일부 사업 및 기타 활동이 엄격한 공중 보건 지침 하에 운영을 확장할 수 있게 되었습니다. 많은 사업주들이 운영 재개 또는 확장을 강하게 바라고 있는 것을 알고 있는 만큼, 당국은 이용할… [ Keep reading ]

¡Obtenga información sobre los requerimientos para los espacios al aire libre para restaurantes, ventas de comida y tiendas minoristas!

El Departamento de Salud del Estado de Washington ha aprobado la solicitud del condado de King para pasar a la Fase 2 del plan del gobernador Inslee “Arranque Seguro” (SafeStart), conforme el cual algunos negocios y otras actividades podrán expandir sus operaciones dentro del marco de una estricta política de… [ Keep reading ]

Nhận Thông Tin về Các Yêu Cầu Cấp Phép Sử Dụng Không Gian Ngoài Trời cho Nhà Hàng, Nơi Bán Hàng Rong Thực Phẩm và Cửa Hàng Bán Lẻ!

Sở Y Tế Tiểu Bang Washington (Washington State Department of Health) đã phê chuẩn đơn xin chuyển sang Giai Đoạn 2 của Quận King trong kế hoạch “Safe Start” (Khởi Đầu An Toàn) của Thống Đốc Inslee, cho phép một số doanh nghiệp và hoạt động khác được tăng mức… [ Keep reading ]


華盛頓州衛生部 (Washington State Department of Health) 已批准 King 縣申請進入 州長 Inslee 的「安全啟動」計畫第 2 期,該計畫允許在遵守嚴格的公共衛生指導的情況下,開展一些商業和其他活動,以增加運營。 我們知道許多商業所有者迫切希望復工或擴大其運營,因此我們收集了有關所提供的不同許可證選項的資訊,並在此發佈。 人行道或街道上的戶外場所 如果您想使用您企業點前方的人行道或街道上的空間,以增加一個臨時咖啡廳或額外的零售空間,或者如果您是餐車的所有者,您想嘗試在新的銷售地點進行銷售 ,則您需要從西雅圖交通部 (SDOT)獲取一份「街道使用 (Street Use)」許可證。 靈活的許可證新選項,針對人行道咖啡廳、商品展示及食品銷售 我們提供了臨時許可證選項,以擴大對餐館、零售店、 餐車、及其他售貨商的支援。 這些許可證的有效時間最長達 6 個月。 臨時戶外咖啡廳:憑藉此許可證,餐館可以在靠近門店正面的人行道或路緣位置設立一個臨時戶外咖啡廳 。 在某些情況下,我們允許將咖啡廳擴展至門店正面之外。 若要獲得臨時咖啡廳許可證,所擬建的咖啡廳應: 無護欄(毗鄰樓宇),或臨時搭建能夠用手杖感知的護欄 在餐館不營業時拆除 沒有位於裝載區(對於路緣地點) 想在其他地點設立咖啡廳或具有較多永久性裝置的餐館仍可申請現有的人行道咖啡廳或 Streatery 餐飲區許可證. 臨時商品展示:我們希望助力各企業更方便地推行保持社交距離的做法,同時提高服務客戶的能力。 憑藉此許可證,商家可在其門店附近或路緣位置設立商品展示。 若要獲得臨時商品展示許可證,展示結構應在: 門店不營業時拆除 沒有位於裝載區(對於路緣地點) 憑藉此許可證,也可在門店外而非門店內進行銷售。 臨時售貨許可證:目前我們提供有效時間長達六個月的臨時售貨許可證,在疫情期間,憑藉此許可證商家可更靈活地嘗試在新地點進行銷售,及前往有人居住的地方。 此許可證適用於卡車和手推車銷售食品、花卉、或出版物。 若要獲得臨時售貨許可證,售貨應滿足以下條件: 每天連續售貨時長最多四小時(例如,在午餐時間期間,從上午 10 點至下午 2 點) 若售賣食品,與另外一食品服務商家的距離不得少於 50 英尺,除非有獲得附近食品商家的支援 不得位於一鄰近商家擬使用路緣空間的位置(對於路緣地點) 沒有位於裝載區(對於路緣地點)。 此外,交通部將允許每個街區有兩家以上此許可證類型售貨商。 想在其他地點售貨或持有常規全年許可證的售貨商仍可申請現有售貨許可證。 以下說明我們如何幫助您更輕鬆地獲取這些類型的許可證! 無許可證費用,調整申請要求 為了讓餐館、零售店、餐車所有者、及手推車售貨商更方便地從這些新類型的許可證中獲益,我們採取了以下措施: 免除許可證和審查費用 免除與以下方面相關的日常費用:為戶外咖啡廳、商品展示、及在路緣售貨預留的泊車位置 簡化時間表 對於所有這些類型的許可證,我們的目標為加快完成和優先處理申請審查工作。 審查時間取決於申請複雜性、許可證申請數量、及申請者的準備程度,因此批核時間有所不同。 提供最新公告要求 為加速發放許可證,對於新的臨時戶外咖啡廳和售貨商,目前我們不要求常規的為期兩週的公眾意見期。 但要求這些許可證申請者在開始運營前,先將擬設立的臨時咖啡廳、商品展示或售貨地點,通知附近的居民和商家。 … [ Keep reading ]

Roadside Chat with Jeanné Clark, SDOT Creative Services Manager

Transportation has long been at the heart of Jeanné’s career. Prior to SDOT, she worked with WSDOT on the SR 520 Floating Bridge and the Alaskan Way Viaduct. When Jeanné first came to SDOT in 2017, her job was to help shape and improve our social media, blog, and web presence. She helped form a creative services… [ Keep reading ]

Roadside chat with Dongho Chang, City Traffic Engineer

3 min read (and it’s worth it). You may know him from Twitter (with an impressive 8,000 followers). Dongho Chang is Seattle’s Traffic Engineer, so he knows a thing or two about the work we do here at the City. I sat down with him at Monorail Espresso to talk about his… [ Keep reading ]

Wrapping up the final phase of the 35th Ave NE project

We’re wrapping up the final phase of the 35th Ave NE project, and it will be completed as soon as Monday April 27. Most of the work was completed in 2019, but there are a few remaining items to complete the project in its entirety. In this final phase we’re installing… [ Keep reading ]

An SDOT message for Earth Day

Our Director, Sam Zimbabwe, shares a message for Earth Day. As Sam says in the video, fighting the climate crisis by lowering our city’s carbon emissions is essential to all of us at the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT). In Seattle, transportation is the largest contributor to greenhouse gases. “If our current global pandemic has taught me anything, it’s that we can work… [ Keep reading ]